Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 187, Zechariah 8:1-23 When was the last time you asked, "Is this all God had in mind for me?"

Hmm... I don't remember when was the last time I have asked that question. But I guess an incident like today, would trigger a question in someone else's mind is when your teacher recommneds you for a different class that you want to go to. I signed up for Pre-Cal honors, and my teacher told me the difference that Pre-Cal honors will mostly have juniors, and the teacher pushing the juniors to prepare them for Calculus. Yeah it was today that she recommended me for regular. I was disappointed in myself for not having my teacher recommend me for honors not showing her that I was able to do it. But I would rather have a good grade in a regular class instead of having a bad grade or fail an honors class that would look worse on a transcript. But I didn't ask myself that questoin, just brought it up because of what I typed earlier in this paragraph.

And I think I haven't asked myself this, or maybe I have but don't remember. Well if it does pop up I'll just remeber that God is doing what He knows is best for me to build my character, and it is in his own impeccable timing.

1 comment:

  1. wow.....that is an admirable way of accepting it. It is really hard to take at times especially when you know how much potential you have, while others may say otherwise. I mean who knows yourself more than yourself? well I guess God does....hmm, He knows us so well that He knows that we think we know ourselves when we actually really don' with that in mind, we are in fact incapable of determining our "plan" on our life for ourselves because we lack such knowledge of ourselves. I mean we never fully truly know who we are. There are days where we just find something new about ourselves. God fully knows who we are and I wonder by the way he set up the life he has for us, He is directly giving us clues that this is who we really are and not all the things we thought we were. Yeah, I am just as confused as you guys are......

    There is indeed a future beyond our understanding. There is just something about living in the "now." Maybe it's the notion that the now will always affect the later. That is why we concentrate so hard on just making sure that everything in the present is "okay" for we think that this will how it will end up later on. It is like the things in the present are foreshadowing the things in the future. For example, do well in school and you for sure you will earn a successful career. That may be true for some, but there are many instances when it does not come true. Well....I guess it depends on what you call "successful." Hmm...then why are we surprised when this person, who did so well at school, end up at a job that no one would've guessed? Have we inherently set up our own definition of the word "successful?" We know that life turns out different from what we expect at times, and yet we still get surprised? Why should we get surprised, when deep inside we know that life at times rolls that way. I think that sometimes we forget how random life gets. Well maybe in our eyes, life is random......but in God's eyes, life is indeed set for initiating....i don't know xP....... God have such a good sense of humor when he throws us humans such unpredictable events when He for sure knows that it not unpredictable at all.

    yeah...thanks mayen, what you said was very admirable


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