Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 115, 2 Samuel 12:1-25

Hey guys! So 'Ive been reading this blog for a while now, and I'm really enjoying what you guys have to say! So I finally got the guts to actually post a blog. Im not a blogger in the first place, but Ill do my best! So here it goes...

How do you instinctively react when someone confronts you about wrongdoing? 

When I was younger, I hated when people told me what I was doing was wrong. I always thought I was right. Boy was I wrong! So every time a leader came up to me and told me I was doing something wrong I would just ignore it. Now that was in middle school. I am a lot older and now I love correction! I love to know that I can improve myself. I encourage people to confront me about my wrongdoings. If you do, please pull me aside and not do it in front of everyone! =)  But we can all use improvements in our lives. None of us are perfect. Except for Jesus! 

So here's a little story, and yes this is a true story about me! I would never forget this. I always went to Cornerstone Academy. So i was brought up as a Christian. I never went to a public school in my life. I always went to Cornerstone. So when I got to high school, I went to Westmoor. First public school I ever attended in my life. I was so excited to get out of Cornerstone, I wanted to experience something new. So I met a lot of people, some really great friends and some not so great friends. Some of those not so great friends eventually influenced me to do what they did. I really wanted to fit in. (I think we all did) By the the second semester of freshmen year in Westmoor I started dressing "gangster" (Saggy pants, tall t shirts, etc. you get the point!) and I started swearing a lot. Then at fellowship, All that stuff started to rub off on me. I started dressing "gangster" at church, and a couple of cuss words came out here and there. I didn't even realize this. My friend came up to me one day, pulled me aside and said to me "Daniel, you changed!" I was so shocked, I didn't understand what he was talking about. Then he started to talk to me about my new bad habits, and he really wanted me to change. He asked me why I was doing it and I couldn't even answer him. I didn't even know why I was doing those things! Ever since then I was happy he told me that. If he never told me that, I would still be cussing and pretending to be something I wasn't. And I really didn't want that kind lifestyle, so I stopped it all. I didn't want people to look at me as a "gangster". So i stopped and repented, and ask God for forgiveness.

Fellowship is great, they keep us accountable. There is a leader at Cornerstone and he always taught his guys to be brothers keepers. Are we acting like our brothers keeper? We got to keep each other accountable for our actions. God placed each and everyone of you in each other lives for a reason. I encourage you guys to be each others brothers keepers. When someone asks you to pray for them, pray for them, and follow up on them. When someone is struggling with a sin, pray for them and make sure they don't do it anymore. Keep each other accountable, that's how you guys can grow to be a stronger family of God! =)

Sorry if there are spelling mistakes or if anything is repetitive or bad grammar haha like I said earlier, I'm not a blogger, and Im not so great at writing essays. =)


  1. Daniel!

    awesome post =) totally surprised me. When I saw this post and when I saw your name....I was like O: "yay!" I knew that you had been reading our posts and that you enjoyed them, but i never expected this because of like what you said before about not being a blogger......but despite that, you still posted! *high five*

    thank you for sharing your story, i got to know something about you that I would have never guessed. I especially like what you said about being brother keepers in fellowship. I totally agree with you.....we got to have each other backs XD
    k thanks again and hopefully you can keep on posting or reading

    and by the way....don't worry about your grammar or spelling. If you haven't noticed, I have horrible yeah don't worry about it XD

  2. Michelle!

    Thank You! Well I've been reading it for a while and I guess God just moved me to post today lol I really like this though, having a blog to share what you have been learning over the course of the week! Good job! =) Keep it up, Im looking forward to what you guys have to say and what you guys learned during the week! Ill be reading and posting more =)... now you guys got me into blogging >.< lol

    No Problem about the story. The best way to learn is to learn from other peoples experiences. In the near future Ill be sharing more deeper things with you guys! =) Im loving this blog!


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