Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 114 - Reflection

haha...its been a while.. still, this one will be (hopefully) short and (hopefully) sweet.

"When has God spared you from your own mistakes? How has he surprised you with blessing beyond your dreams? Ask God to help you tell others about his love for you in spite of your mistakes."

hmm...spared me of my own mistakes...? well, to me, every breath i take is another gift of grace. in that way, every moment is me being spared of my mistakes, because of what Jesus did on the cross for us. in His ways though, i would say He has spared me many times of my own mistakes. sometimes it's moreso Him leading me through my mistakes...and i'm thinking right now, "wow, how undeserving i am (we are). first we sin in His face, then He has the love/forgiveness/grace to walk with us out of our mess or through our mess? that's amazing."

blessings beyond my dreams? haha...He's constantly doing this for me i think, but sometimes i just have my (small) eyes closed way too often. my home, my family, our fellowship, all of my relationships, all of my experiences... i can't even dream about what God's doing, so it must be waay beyond my dreams xD.. when i do finally have my eyes open the interschool potluck that happened this past Saturday on february 28th was quite amazing, for example, seeing how God is working to bring together and unite His kids in the high school arena. and here's a quote from DavidCrowder*Band's song "Everything Glorious" :: "my eyes are small, but they have seen / the beauty of enormous things"

in spite of my mistakes... i actually believe that with our mistakes, that's when we can shine the brightest for God. its in our deepest weakness that God shows His awesomeness. i believe that it IS the knowledge of my weaknesses that compels me to want to tell people about Him, because isn't it SUCH "a sweet sound", that "amazing grace" could possibly save "a wretch like me"? it should not be our weaknesses and failures that hold us back from telling people about God, for its BECAUSE of those shortcomings that God's love is shown to never be too short to save.

yeah...i guess when you start typing, all of it kind of flows...sorry for not making it short and sweet x]. see ya'll!

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