Sunday, February 22, 2009

Casting Crown lead singer testimony part 2


  1. this is such a humbling many times i'm fighting with God too, just trying to figure out what's going on... but man...God doesn't need me. He doesn't need me at ALL-- if His sovereign plan can't function without me. God is so much more than i can even imagine or comprehend. for all those times that i thought i wasn't good enough, God says "i still want you." thanks Dom for sharing these videos. thank You God for being so loving, that you would use a wretch like me.

  2. what is mind boggling (I love this phrase from Michelle!) is that God doesn't need us to accomplish His mission, but He choses to include us in His masterplan, but WE often times CHOSE not to participate with God, because we're too busy doing our own thing, as if our own thing is so much greater than what God wants to do :P God choses to allow us to work in His plan...because as we do that, we get to see even more of God...and get closer to Him. Now why would anyone chose to go their own ways is "mind boggling" in itself (I guess that's what happen when we chose to listen to our sin nature instead...we're being deceived and some of us don't even know it!!). It's time we get out of the limited, self-centered fantasy world that some of us have created for ourselves and chose to dwell in. There is so much more to life in Christ than many of us have ever experienced!


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