Sunday, February 22, 2009

Casting Crown lead singer testimony part 1

1 comment:

  1. hey Dom!
    I really appreciate you for sharing these videos. Hearing his testimony was very uplifting. Knowing what he had to go through and seeing how he handled the situation was like "wow". It is "wow" because i would never expect that from him. He is after all a lead singer in a pretty well-known Christian band. It takes a lot of guts to get on stage and do your thing in front of millions of people. I would have never thought that behind all that lies a dyslexia, A.D.D kid who was constantly afraid of failures and of people's perception of him. When he told the story about himself trying to rehearse the verse before he actually read it out loud reminds me a lot like me. I admit that in the past and probably even now that I had used little tactics to squeeze my way out of situations just so I won't look like a fool. I was basically constantly running away from the problems because to me that was the only way.
    Anyways i now understand why he wrote the songs "voice of truth" and "stained glass masquerade." The connection is very clear now. It is funny how right now i am struggling with a choice that I will sooner or later will have to make. I would like to say yes to this choice, but at the same time i am holding myself back because I am scared. I am scared that this choice will be too hard for me and that I will regret it later if i say yes now. I feel like i have the potential to face this challenge, yet other sources say otherwise. Right now to justify the "no" side, I am making excuses to myself as to why "no" is the the answer I should choose.

    It is funny how at retreat, i basically said that i had always felt inferior to others and there is a lack of confidence within me. This has led me to fear challenges that seem to overwhelming for me. zoom to the next week and I find pastor Dana talking about facing our giants and how the impossible is possible......and now this. I know that this is not a coincidence. I think God is telling me something, yet the fear still has not gone away. It is hard because my heart says one thing, but my body says another. Please pray for me.....and thanks again.


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