Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, 5/20/09, Day 189, Nehemiah 7:73-8:18

"How important is the Bible in your life?"

One would think the answer to this question for any follower of Christ should be "very very important". The unfortunate reality of this is that reading/living the Bible daily is not done enough. That's probably why there's still so much "darkness" in this world. We're called to be salt and light for the lost...but if we don't know the "truths" of the Bible, how can we be effective salts and lights for others? During my early years as a Christian, we had bible study pretty much every Friday at fellowship. I also enjoyed going to the college Sunday School class each week...where we were challenged to memorize verses on a weekly basis. You might think all of that was a drag...but those were best times for me in terms of diving into God's Word. Because looking into God's Word...and really examining it (instead of just merely reading it) showed me so much about God's character, His love for me, and His plans for me. All of those things gave me comfort, assurance and calmness in an otherwise chaotic world that I live in. For every struggle I had back then, that I have today, and that I will have tomorrow, the answers are in the Bible. The Bible should be looked at as a "manual to life". When it comes to manuals though, how many of us try to figure things out ourselves instead of reading any manuals? People generally avoid manuals...because it's time consuming and some find it boring. But it's the smart ones who actually read the manuals...because they don't want to make any major mistakes that could be avoided by reading the manual. The not so smart ones think they can figure it out on their own...take shortcuts...but in the end, they will probably bring a lot of problems upon themselves. I believe that is why our church as a whole is doing this Meet the Bible thing. As a church, I think we're Bible illiterates compared to past generations of Christians. Many of our young (and even old) people rarely open the Bible during the week...instead, their school books or their computers get a whole lot more attention than the "breath of life" which the Bible is. We're so distracted by so many things of the world...things that Satan is using to make us ineffective for that many will remain lost.

It was just eye opening to read the people in they all gathered in the square to listen to Ezra the scribe read the bible. Imagine...people gathering together from daybreak until noon to listen ATTENTIVELY!! (Nehemiah 8:3), being excited (Nehemiah 8:5), so moved that they weeped (Nehemiah 8:9) that even possible today? Do we get moved by God's Word today? When the scripture is read today, there are people in our midst who are sleeping, day dreaming...or even texting their friends on their fancy phones. Has Satan taken over without us even knowing? It's time to fight back...and it's the "truth" of God that will set us free (by the way, that's the theme verse for CCU sports this year!). So let us arm ourselves by really embracing God's Word. Only a fool would not do that.

John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

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