Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 121, Psalm 84:1-12

Hey guys! I hope you guys had a great week! Sorry I couldn't make it to fellowship. 
Well when I saw this question I told myself I have to answer this! =) I'll keep this short! So here it goes!...

Is worshiping God dull or exciting for you? Why?

When I was younger, I felt church was a big routine. I would get up, brush, eat breakfast, go to sunday school, go to choir, then go home. Thats what I thought church was, one big routine. I never really liked it cause I got bored. But as I grew older I realized that church is more than just a routine. I learned it was fun! I love worshiping God. I love singing to God when no one is around. I have to admit I sing a lot to God in my shower! (Don't laugh at me! >.<) Worshiping God should not be dull, it should be fun. There is so much to rejoice about, since Jesus died for us. We are SAVED from sin. we have ETERNAL life. We have SALVATION. What more can we ask for? How can worship be dull to us? When we worship we are giving back a fraction of what God has given us. He has given us life, he gave us everything we have, and in return we worship him and love him.
I have been church hoping or shopping for a few months now. I have been to some really fun churches. (Cumberland being one of them) I can see God in you guys. In service when the worship team is leading praise songs, I can see God in you. I also went to other churches and you can really see God in them, and see how God is working within them. They have this passion that not everyone has. I really like that in you guys. I can totally see God in you guys, and I really truly do appreciate it. You guys really inspire me and you guys are a great encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! xD. especially to praising God in the shower, haha.


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