Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Days 136 & 137 - Elijah (Ups and Downs)

(1 Kings 18:15-40 ; 1 Kings 19:1-18)

There's something undeniably awesome with the things that Elijah does and goes through. You really can't help but get drawn into the emotion of what Elijah does!

The story of Elijah on Mount Carmel is definitely one that I found myself with a wide grin across my face. The classic narrative: Elijah v. Prophets of Baal. Test of the gods (& the God). If God ever had a "Great showdown" (besides the Jesus v. Sin) written down for all of us to sit down, read, and smile, this would be it. If you would, imagine in your head all that happens! An entire nation has completely forgotten about the God who has led them through everything, and there is only one person who remembers Him. God completely makes utter fools of those prophets of Baal. I'm thinking in my head, "yeaaaah...that's what I'm talkin' about!"

I think often times I completely underestimate God's supreme strength and power. God trumps everything. Period. (Boo-yah!!) haha, and sometimes I forget that He is faithful in making Himself present in our lives. I might be scared of so many things in my life...scared of opposition against Christianity in my life...scared of all the giants in my life looking down upon me. What Elijah did, which is what I want to do is basically go: "Lets put God and your enemies/circumstances side-by-side". ...Wow.

Right after that, though, the scene completely takes a turn. After hearing of persecution from the King & his wife, flees; terrified at the heavy opposition suddenly placed before him. Everything seems to be catching up on him...and all of a sudden, this "monumental faith" seems to be all worn out... "I have had enough, LORD," he said..."(1 Kings 19:4). Yet, God still takes care of him, and more. God demonstrates something amazing: He was not in the gi-normous earthquake...not in the powerful wind...not in the great fire. But rather: in a whisper...a still small voice, reminding Elijah of His love and strength.

I don't know about you guys, but I feel this way a lot. One moment, I feel like I'm on top of the tallest mountain, where everything makes sense and all I see and trust is God. But then so quickly--SO quickly--everything else blocks the view, and I come crumbling down to a point of "God, I've had enough..". After reading about Elijah, it really comforted me to know that some of the most noted prophets of the Bible felt something similar to what I feel today. It comforts me even more to know that, in those times where all I WANT to see is God showing up in some spectacular way, that God will show up in the quiet...gently comforting...if we let Him.

On the greatest tops where we feel God is everything and we can take on the world, God shows up. In the moments of deep loneliness, fatigued and unhopeful, God whispers to us His love if we're willing to hear. *sigh* such an awesome God, working through the character of Elijah. But not only through him; through us. =].

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