Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 95 Need?

I think I often have a hard time distinguishing between need or want. I want a lot of things. I need only a few of the things I want. I think a lot of the wants comes from desires which come from my dark side. In Catholic theology some of the writers talk about the "true" self. This is the good, pure, product of an intentional , loving act of God. It represents God's purposes for us. Sin messes with our true self. We suffer from the sins of others against us causing wounds and scars. We suffer from our own sins which contaminates, pollutes our hearts. Over time our hearts can be pretty messed up so we often do not act from our true self but from a false self which is at war with the true self. So I need to check my desires to see where it's coming from my true self or my false self. The standard is that passage in Galatians 5 where Paul contrasts the fruit of the Spirit with the works of the flesh. So we need to hear from God. We also have to be honest with oneself. And we need someone who cares enough to tell us the truth from their perspective.

For example I can procrastinate. Is my desire to put things off because I legitimately need rest or is it because I'm being lazy?

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