Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 265, Jesus's confrontations, Mark 12:13-34

wow, it's been a long time..i'll (try to) keep it short though :].

The way Jesus responds to his adversaries try to entrap him are aMAzing.. not only in his simple yet profound answers, but also in the wAY he responds. It seems that He doesn't flip off of the handle and spins off super-intellectual debate rhetoric, but keeps calm and throws in the most important parts, which always seem to glorify God in one way or another.

In both middle school and high school, I came across friends who would constantly question my faith, trying to entrap me with questions about details and symantics and stuff like that. So, as a young intellectual ready to debate, I tried my best to equip myself and really know what I believe. And so, I went back to school, did my best to answer all the questions they threw at me (and then some xD). Debate-wise, it seemed I could hold my own. Sometime in later parts of high school, someone reminded me that intellectualizing the gospel will not save people...it's a heart issue. From that point, I tried to remember that God's love and his forgiveness should be what I'm pointing at..and my friends seemed interested and curious. I think it's amazing how God works, because perhaps He used my passion to argue to gain the respect of my friends, which might've later allowed me to plant a seed of God's love.

So much for keeping it short.. sorry xD. ah wells, good job for reading it through. :].

1 comment:

  1. yay! someone posted =D

    Your post is a good reminder of why we should share our faith and how we should do it. It's true that we are sometimes scared of not being able to answer questions asked by our friends, but it's really important that we do because we want our friends to be saved. We need to share our faith, so that something will reach them.

    We may not be able to answer questions like Jesus is able to, but the holy spirit within us at least makes the job a bit easier. thank you tim for your post!


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